St Davids Peninsula 3-16 Church in Wales VA School

Emotional Health and Wellbeing Support
St Davids Peninsula 3-16 Church in Wales VA School/Ysgol yr Eglwys yng Nghymru Penrhyn Dewi
Additional Learning Needs Survey for Parents
Additional Learning Needs

Additional provision is made for pupils with additional learning needs who are taught whenever possible, in mainstream classes by subject specialists. When appropriate, pupils are support in the classroom by teaching assistants and may, on occasions, be withdrawn for additional support to improve literacy and numeracy. The school’s facilities are mostly on one level and consideration has been given to ensure access to all areas.

The Additional Learning Needs Co-Ordinator (ALNCO) is responsible for assessing the needs and progress of pupils with additional learning needs, including those with statements, and for determining individual programmes of study.

The ALNCO works closely with parents and all teaching staff to ensure that the most effective provision possible is made for pupils with additional learning needs. All pupils entering the school are usually tested to determine whether additional educational support is needed.

A copy of the school’s Additional Learning Needs policy is available on the School’s policy page.

The school works closely with appropriate outside agencies, particularly the Psychology Service, in arranging provision for additional learning needs pupils. The Educational Physchologist visits the school on a regular basis and appointments may be arranged through the ALNCO.

Inclusion Policy
St Davids Peninsula 3-16 Church in Wales VA School/Ysgol yr Eglwys yng Nghymru Penrhyn Dewi

The school has a positive, inclusive ethos, which aims to identify and meet the physical, spiritual and social needs of each individual member of the school community. The school as an accessibility plan available from the Main School Office. The school has extended facilities for those with disability.

Pupils with Disabilities

The School is committed to ensuring each child and member of our school community has equal access to all aspects of school life. Equal Opportunity Policies are available on the School Policies page. The school has provision for pupils with disabilities e.g. ramps, stair lifts and disabled toilets.

Supporting Service Children in Education
St Davids Peninsula 3-16 Church in Wales VA School/Ysgol yr Eglwys yng Nghymru Penrhyn Dewi

Supporting Service Children in Education