Homework is an integral part of curriculum support which greatly assists a students progress.
Homework is set by each subject teacher according to age and ability and varies in quantity and form. Homework assignments may take the form of research, preparation, practice, reading, project work or coursework.
All students are to record specific homework tasks in their Student Planner, which also contains a homework timetable. The school seeks parental support in ensuring proper homework conditions are available and in emphasising the importance and value of homework to their children. Parents/Carers are expected to sign the planner on a weekly basis.
A vital element in supporting home-school links in the Pupil Planner. These are issued to all pupils in Years 5 – 11 in September. There are many pages of details information about the school and its procedures, in addition to sections for recording events, homework and a pupil’s individual achievements. Staff will also use the Pupil Planner to record any comments on a pupil’s behaviour, attitude and progress. This will also be recorded on ClassCharts as well. Parents are welcome to write brief notes to the Form Tutor in the planner if they so wish. Parents are asked to scrutinise their child’s planner at least weekly and to sign it to indicate that homework has been regularly completed. Planners are monitored on a weekly basis by form tutors and on a regular basis by senior staff.
The school prides itself on the close home-school links it has established and believes that these are essential in ensuring pupil progress and success. In addition to Parents’ Evenings, parents are always welcome to make appointments to discuss their child’s progress with the appropriate members of staff.